Tuesday, August 6, 2024

...a fun but 'taboo' subject, lol...part 2

Welcome to our fun blog, happy to 'see' you and appreciate your support! 

~'Nothing wrong with a good girl, having a naughty side!'~ 
...another favorite quote of mine, lol...

Why is females, orgasms and cannabis such a taboo subject?!  I have to be honest, upon doing research on this subject, I did not realize there was a female orgasm disorder, and I find that incredibly sad!  Sad on so many levels, from not enough research to being a taboo subject, this needs to be a mainstream subject, especially when there's so many studies and research on ED (erectile dysfunction)! Why?  Why, no research, no advocating, no media attention, no care for females?  

Well, FYI, speaking for myself and other females whom I've had the pleasure of chatting with about this subject, we enjoy sex, and we love an amazing orgasm, lol, they are needed, lol, lol, honestly, they are needed to help maintain our health (check out the last blog for more details)!  

Why, is this a taboo subject?  Are females not supposed to enjoy sex? lol, for real, that's the way so many people think, especially men!  If the man is satisfied, then all is right with the world, lol, no, no, it's not! We, women have needs, we love to be touched, we love to be loved, and WE deserve to speak openly and freely about our sexual needs and wants without judgment and without harassment!  Do you agree?

Thankfully, lol, I'm going to get a tad personal for a minute, lol, I have an amazing sex life, I never have to fake anything with my love, lol, we've always been amazing lovers, he's very attentive, loving and doesn't mind asking me what I want and he doesn't mind taking 'requests', lol, lol, he ask me and I ask him, "are you satisfied, are you happy?"  Trust me, communication regarding sex is VERY important and should be top priority in any relationship!  

So much more research MUST, MUST be done, fortunately, there's a few cultivars along with herbal remedies that helps increase arousal and orgasms!  I'll touch on a few and we'll follow-up with more on another blog!  I really want to keep this subject active and touch on it from time to time!  Because, again, we MUST stop it from being a taboo subject!

Here's a few tips to help increase libido and orgasms:

Get enough sleep
Practice Yoga
Reduce your stress levels
Use Primrose Oil
Dark Chocolate

Please inform us if there's a specific topic or subject you would like us to explore in our blog or feature on our YouTube channel. We appreciate your participation! Enjoy the blog and remember to subscribe to our YouTube channel for free.

Please note that the content of this blog has not been assessed by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or condition. This content is not medical advice but is provided solely for educational and entertainment purposes. We are not medical experts; rather, we are an enthusiastic couple who enjoy life, have fun, share knowledge, and strive to spread joy. Always seek advice from your healthcare provider before using any products or embarking on any diet or exercise regimen.

Peace out, pray for the world, it's crazy out there, much love and as always #smokeonetellone

We hope you are experiencing as little pain as possible through natural means and living your life to the fullest, with as much happiness as possible!

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